NEW REPORT: The New Economics of Innovation and Transition: Evaluating Opportunities and Risks

Sustainable Energy Transition in Brazil: Innovation, Opportunities and Risks

Date: Tuesday 28 November 2023 | All timings in GMT-3 (Brasilia, Brazil)

Venue: Ministerio da Gestão e Inovação no Serviços Público (MGI), Salao Nobre, Bloco K

Organised by the University of Brasilia as part of EEIST

Available via streaming on the Youtube channel of Ministério da Gestão e da Inovação


Join us for the final EEIST-Brazil stakeholder meeting. This event will include the launch of the final Brazil report: “Energy transition in Brazil: Innovation, Opportunities and Risks​,” and will provide an insightful overview on how new modelling tools can better inform the Brazilian government’s net zero transition strategy and build its leadership role ahead of COP30. 


15:00 Introduction to the event

Chair: Daniela Freddo, University of Brasilia

15:30 Brazil Country level report & EEIST project
Chair: Andrea Roventini, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

16:15 Panel Discussion

17:00 Close & Coffee

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