NEW REPORT: The New Economics of Innovation and Transition: Evaluating Opportunities and Risks

COP28 Event: Unlocking the Potential of Energy Innovation and System Transitions: Effective Models and Policy for a Bright Future

Date: 11 December 2023, 10am – 11am (Dubai Standard Time)

Venue: UK Pavilion, Expo City, Dubai

Please note that the livestream begins roughly 8 minutes and 30 seconds into the video. 

An opportunity to hear how world-leading scientists have successfully collaborated to develop original, cutting-edge modelling solutions to decarbonise the global energy sector at pace, with live case studies from the UK, EU, China and the Global South. 

Background: The traditional economic framing of GHG mitigation pits it as a ‘necessary burden’, however the IPCC has highlighted scope for both synergies and trade-offs with other societal goals, with potential to shift development pathways with multiple benefits.

This event will present final insights from a major international programme on The Economics of Energy Innovation and Systems Transition (EEIST).

This UK-sponsored programme with partners in Brazil, India, and China, has combined theoretical, modelling, and policy analysis to illuminate the implications of new economic thinking for shifting development pathways.

The event will present findings from the project, focusing on six themes: engagement; risk-opportunity assessment; macro-vs-micro policy focus; appropriate model selection; policy diversity and complementarity; and climate finance.

About EEIST: Economics of Energy Innovation System Transition (EEIST) is a 3 year BEIS and CIFF funded programme. Its aim is to use cutting edge advanced methods, which exist in the sciences of complexity and economics, to support government decision making around facilitating a rapid low-carbon transition. By engaging with policy-makers in large emerging economies, this project will contribute to the economic development of emerging nations and support sustainable development globally.

The programme brings together world-leading expertise in complex systems modelling, economics and climate and environmental policy to better understand, and contribute to informing with rigorous science climate policy initiatives in China, Brazil, India, the UK and EU.

This ambitious and innovative programme seeks to support governments in their missions to respond to the catastrophic impacts of climate change and inform transformative policy solutions.

EEIST is jointly funded by the UK Government Department for Energy Security & Net Zero, and the Children’s investment Fund Foundation (CIFF).


Welcome and Introduction:

Dr Cristina Penasco (Chair), Assistant Professor in Public Policy at the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge.

Professor Michael Grubb, Prof of Energy and Climate Change at University College London; Deputy Director, Institute of Sustainable Resources.

Highlights from EEIST Project’s work in China: Professor Zhang Xiliang, Director of the Institute of Energy, Environment, and Economy, Tsinghua University; Director, of the Tsinghua-MIT China Energy and Climate Project.

Highlights from EEIST Project’s work in India: Ulka Kelkar, Executive Director, Climate, WRI India.

Highlights from EEIST Project’s work in Brazil: Representative from Brazil TBC.

Panel Discussion and Q&A: Simon Sharpe, Director of Economics for the UN Climate Champions, and a Senior Fellow at the World Resources Institute, will open comments and close with a summary.


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