Simon Sharpe is a Visiting Policy Fellow at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).
Simon is Deputy Director at the UK Government’s Cabinet Office COP26 Unit, where he leads work on international campaigns to accelerate low carbon transitions. He previously led a team responsible for international climate change strategy at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; led the work on energy and clean growth in the government’s Industrial Strategy; and served as head of private office to the Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, and later to the Minister of State for Climate Change and Industry.
Simon worked at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for ten years, serving in China and India, and leading on climate change strategy in the run-up to the Paris negotiations in 2015. In this role he created and led a major international project to re-shape the way governments assess the risks of climate change, working with leading experts in the US, China and India.