New Paper Published by Aileen Lam and Jean-Francois Mercure: ‘Which policy mixes are best for decarbonising passenger cars?’
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Here Aileen summarises the paper:
“Using the FTT:Transport model of vehicle technology diffusion and market competition, we simulate the impact of climate policies on passenger car emissions in the US, UK, Japan, China and India up to 2050, seeking to understand policy interaction. We analyse six commonly seen policy instruments and explore the impact of combining each of these policies by developing 63 scenarios. Our results show that the diffusion dynamics of the system can lead to interaction of policy levers, generating synergies in some cases (combined effectiveness more than the sum of its parts), and mutual impediment effects in others (combined effectiveness less than the sum of its parts). In particular, we find that combining electric vehicle mandates with taxes and regulations on combustion vehicles is highly effective, as it simultaneously improves the availability of low-carbon options while penalising high carbon options.”